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Posted by Unknown - - 0 komentar

The degree of civilization in
a society can be judged
by entering its prisons.
Fyodor Dostoevsky,
Russian 1821 - 1881

Communicating clearly on the Internet
without creating misunderstandings is a challenge.
One problem is that you haven't any facial expressions, body language, or environment to help you express yourself;
another that there is little "give and take" for developing what you mean to say or are discussing

These guidelines hopefully will help you:

* Be clear
Make sure the subject line (e-mail) or title (web page) reflects your content
* Use appropriate language
If you have a question on whether or not you are too emotional,
don't send the message, save it, and review it "later"
Remember: no one can guess your mood, see your facial expressions, etc.
All they have are your words, and your words can express the opposite of what you feel
Don't use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS--it's equal to shouting or screaming
* Be brief
If your message is short, people will be more likely to read it
Refer to the Guide on "Writing for the Internet"

* Make a good impression
Your words and content represent you; review/edit your words and images before sending
* Be selective on what information
you put in an e-mail or on a web site:
Information on the Internet is very public, and can seen by anyone in the world including criminals, future employers, and governments
* Forward e-mail messages you receive
only with permission of the sender
* Remember you are not anonymous
What you write in an e-mail and web site can be traced back to you
* Consider others
If you are upset by what you read or see on the Internet, forgive bad spelling or stupidity;
If you think it violates the law, forward it to the FBI or your state's Attorney General
* Obey copyright laws
Don't use others' images, content, etc. without permission
Don't forward e-mail, or use web site content without permission
Visit the Library of Congress' Guide on "Copyright Basics" for students and teachers
* Cite others' work you use
Refer to the Guide on "Citation"
* Use distribution lists appropriately
and with permission
* Do not send SPAM
SPAM is posting or e-mailing unsolicited e-mail, often advertising messages, to a wide audience
(another way of thinking of it is electronic junk mail)
* Don't forward chain letters
If you receive one, notify your web master
* Don't respond to "flames" or personal attacks
Contact your web master for action and referral

Within the email message, mouse over red text
to find the commandments of good email netiquette.
Look for all ten!

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