The order and connection of ideas
is the same as the order and
connection of things.
Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza,
1623-1677, Dutch
Evaluating algebraic expressions can be a simple process,
but needs to follow an order of operations to get the right answer.
The sequence details the order you follow to
add, subtract, multiply, and divide. The order is:
Parenthesis | Exponents | Multiplication | Division | Addition | Subtraction
1. Perform the operations inside a parenthesis first
2. Then exponents
3. Then multiplication and division, from left to right
4. Then addition and subtraction, from left to right
5. You can also create a little phrase to memorize the sequence:
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
An example:
3 * ( 5 + 8 ) - 22 / 4 + 3
Parenthesis first: 5 + 8 = 13
3 * 13 - 22 / 4 + 3
Exponent next: square the 2 or 22 = 4
3 * 13 - 4 / 4 + 3
Multiplication and Division next (3 * 13) (4 / 4)
left to right:
39 - 1 + 3
Addition and Subtraction next
left to right:
39 - 1 + 3 = 41
Note that we first subtracted 1 from 39 (left to right!),
then added the 3 for the correct answer, 41.