Focus on Topics in Reading
A bibliography of the International Reading Association divided into 13 categories of interest
Apps, Jerold W. Study Skills for Adults Returning to School. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982.
Study Skills for Adults Returning to School is an introduction to study skills that opens with a chapter on learning to learn. There are also chapters on how to improve thinking, vocabulary, reading and note taking. The book is also the only one surveyed that contains advice for students beginning their graduate studies.
Baker, Sheridan. The Practical Stylist. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1985. The Practical Stylist examines essay writing, from determining a thesis statement to writing grammatical sentences. The chapter on writing a thesis is particularly effective. There is a good section on revision and examples of essays for different disciplines.
Baxter, Ray, Studying Successfully, ISBN: 0 9525393 0 6, c.f.
Buckley, Joanne. Fit to Print. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991.
Fit to Print is a brief guide to essay writing that covers the essentials without belaboring the point. It's a book to use as an aid to writing essays because it begins with selecting a topic and proceeds to revising and proof reading.
Carney, Tom, and Barbara Carney. Liberation Learning: Self-Directed Learning for Students. Windsor, Ontario: Para-Publishing Enterprises, 1988.
Liberation Learning: Self-Directed Learning for Students presents information and approaches to virtually every issue that university students encounter during their studies. The first chapter examines writing and suggests strategies for overcoming blocks. Another chapter examines learning and teaching styles and the relationship between them. Chapters on time management assume that the students are just out of high school so may not be appropriate for mature adult students.
Deese, James, and Ellin K. Deese. How to Study. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969.
How to Study is an introduction to study skills for on-campus students. The book covers time management, reading, and essay writing, and it also provides tips for studying foreign languages, math, and science.
Ellis, David B. Becoming a Master Student. Rapid City, South Dakota: College Survival, Inc., 1993.
Becoming a Master Student is one of the best study skills books available. The book is updated yearly, but the essential ideas remain constant. Ellis believes that studying is a skill that can be learned and improved. There are chapters on just about any issue that can perplex students, from time management to memory, reading, note taking, relationships, health and money. The ideas, exercises, and self-tests, encourage students to interact with others and become active learners. The writing style and layout are informal. The pages have bold, colorful headings and illustrations, charts to emphasize main points, and lots of white space for notes.
Fleet, Joan, Fiona Goodchild, and Richard Zajchowski. Successful Learning. London, Ontario: University of Western Ontario, 1987.
Successful Learning is an introduction to study skills, an earlier version of Learning for Success. There is an inventory at the beginning to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses followed by chapters on time management, essay writing, science problem solving, exam preparation, and others. The authors encourage students to be strategic, to study "smarter not harder."
---. Learning for Success. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.
Learning For Success covers the usual study skills topics, such as writing and note taking, as well as non-typical topics such as memory and seminar presentation . Much of the information is presented in points, exercises, and inventories. At just under 150 pages, the book is one of the briefest introductions to study skills.
Green, Sharon, Sharon's Simple Study Strategies for College Success,
Whittier Publications, Island Park, N.Y. 11558, 2005. ISBN 1-57604-114-X
Hanau, Laia. The Study Game. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1979.
The Study Game is well titled because the author approaches studying as if it were a game which students can learn how to win. It covers reading for information, conveying that information, consolidating information for exams, and writing exams. The language is informal, frequently using point form rather than complete sentences, and the text is accompanied by sketches, arrows, and circled major points. Students who like mind-mapping and take non-linear notes, will like this book.
Hyman, Jeremy S., Jacobs, Lynn F., Professors' Guide to Getting Good Grades in College, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 2006, ISBN-13 978 0 06 087908-2
Written from the professors' point of view, with practical guides including course selection to test preparation to completing written assignments
Jones, Bill, and Roy Johnson. Making the Grade. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1990.
In two volumes, Making the Grade shows how to improve study skills. Volume I examines input, learning new information, and Volume II examines output, presenting ideas in papers and exams. The books are organized in brief segments with prescribed rest and reflection. There are anecdotes to illustrate points and to help students deepen their understanding of their own experience.
MacFarlane, Polly, and Sandra Hodson. Studying Effectively and Efficiently: An Integrated System. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1983.
Studying Effectively and Efficiently: An Integrated System provides a brief introduction, 46 pages, to study skills. Topics include concentration, time scheduling, listening and lecture note taking, reading and learning from textbooks, writing papers, and preparing for exams. The book contains a brief, clear explanation of the mechanisms of learning and memory.
Nilsson, Virginia. Improve Your Study Skills. Athabasca, Alberta: Athabasca University, 1989.
Improve Your Study Skills is a handbook in seven modules covering everything from reading to note taking, essay writing, and maintaining motivation. The modules present study skills that research has shown to be effective with adult students. Athabasca University students can obtain the modules, free of charge, from the AUSA.
Pauk, Walter. How to Study in College. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
How to Study in College is a book that covers a wide range of study skills, from improving memory to answering specific types of exam questions. It is particularly strong in dealing with reading and note taking skills, not surprising considering that the author researches reading techniques. The book is well organized with a thorough table of contents and index. Each chapter has a self-test to promote learning and remembering.
Robertson, Heather. Bridge to College Success. Boston, Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1991.
Bridge to College Success presents college survival skills for ESL and foreign students entering American colleges and universities. The information is comprehensive, the book is well organized, and the layout is appealing.
University of British Columbia. Strategies for Studying. Victoria, British Columbia: Orca Publishers, 1996.
This handbook was written especially for part-time adult students. There are three broad topics covered in depth: goal setting and time management; reading and memory; and consolidating learning to prepare for examinations. Each topic invites readers to reflect on their experience before adding new information and skills to their repertoire.
Walter, Tim, and Al Siebert. Student Success. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1987.
Student Success, subtitled, "How to Succeed in College and Still Have Time for Your Friends," is written for those students whose studies constitute part of their lives. The authors' humor is expressed in cartoons, anecdotes, and in topics such as, "Myths About Instructors" and "How to Gain Strength from Difficult and Stressful Situations." The book is aimed at high school entrants to university, but the exercises and information are relevant to students of any age.
Witherspoon, Del, and Eugenie Nickell. Back to School at My Age? Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1991.
Back to School at My Age? is written primarily for mothers returning to school. The authors are women who discuss how to negotiate entrance requirements, organize study time and family time, and reduce guilt. The discussions are introduced with first person narratives with which most women will identify.